Thursday, May 17, 2018

San Antonio- Fort Stockton - New Mexico - Tucson, Arizona

We have had some adventures! Our thanks to Good Sam Assist for fixing a blown tire ( twice in one day!) Lots of Pecan trees and dust devils along the interstate. Have a new appreciation for rest areas and loving the next exit book which takes all the guesswork out of the "do we have enough gas question".  It's a wonderful feeling rolling along thru miles of nothing, big cities like El Paso and scenic brown and green hills. Particularly taken with north east San Antonio area.
Our microwave and a/c and walk around queen make this very comfortable and having good wifi is a bonus!

Leaving for Las Vegas after breakfast and spending two nights in the Mainstreet Casino Campground.  We get to see my brother Gary and sister in law too, as they live in North Las Vegas. Life is Grand.
We are blessed.


  1. We had two flats which made it impossible to keep to our origina time line
    Stayed in Fort Stockton TX
    Then on to Tucson instead of Phoenix
    We will be back on schedule in Las Vegas
    Ordered new tires for the trailer

  2. TWO flats??!! Absolutely maddening! Our RV “adventures” the last two summers? Each trip we, too, had maddening moments! We can swap stories around a campfire sometime. 😄
